Pure Flavours

Everything we do is about to taste. Taste is in the use of pure ingredients from the best producers, selected for taste, quality and time of year.



Tobias has a clear vision: as a modern entrepreneur, you have to take your responsibility in this time. This is compulsory for your surroundings, the society and the environment. His sustainable vision is fully integrated into our corporate culture.

Our current way of living puts an extreme pressure on the environment. In the fish industry, this leads to the threat of various fish, such as tuna. Many companies do not even know what kind of tuna they sell. Famous Flavours will never put threatened fish or other animal species on the menu. We prefer to look for alternatives that are just as good, but better for our environment.

  • Sustainable business

    We work with respect for the ingredients and the environment. That's an important reason why we always prefer seasonal products and do not work with fixed menu's. We adhere to the guidelines of the EKO and MSC quality marks when selecting our ingredients. Of course we work according to strict hygiene standards and we are HACCP certified.

    In our kitchen we use a 'no-waste policy'. Our chefs only cook fresh dishes. They prepare the plates a la minute at the event, so that we don't have to throw away any dishes. We also make sure that we use as much of each ingredient as possible. Remaining ingredients are creatively processed by our chefs in other dishes and events. In this way we ensure that we do not waste any food.

  • Sustainable cooperation

    Sustainable business is also reflected in the companies we work with. We choose our suppliers with great care. Wherever we can, we work with local suppliers as much as possible. Craftsmen who present their products with pride, attention, and precision and use the same culinary and sustainable vision as the Famous Flavours team.

    We have a clear preference for organic, craft products and pure ingredients. We are careful to ensure that all our partners fulfill their sustainable promises. Not only with the suppliers for the catering but also with the furnishing suppliers such as the furniture and the decoration.

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